Thursday, December 23, 2010

Web Building Security

You are offering your IP address to the entire world at this very moment.
Make sure you are not offering access to your private data at the same time.
Accessing the Internet is a security risk.
When you are connected to the Internet, an IP address is used to identify your computer.  If you don't protect yourself, this IP address can be used to access your computer from the outside world.
A fixed IP address is a larger security risk.
If you're using a modem with a dial-up connection, you will get a new IP address every time you connect to Internet.
With an ADSL or cable connection users sometimes keep the same IP address for several months, this represents an increased security risk.
If you have a fixed IP address, you give Internet hackers all the time they need to search for entrances on your computer, and to store and share (with other hackers) information they find on your computer.
Your Network Shares
Personal computers are often connected to a shared network. Personal computers in large companies are connected to large corporate networks. Personal computers in small companies are connected to a small local network, and computers in private homes often share a network between family members.
Most often networks are used to share resources like printers, files and disk storage.
When you are connected to the Internet, your shared resources can be accessed by the rest of the world.
A Common Windows Security Problem
Unfortunately, many Microsoft Windows users are unaware of a common security leak in their network settings.
This is a common setup for network computers in Microsoft Windows:
* Client for Microsoft Networks
* File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
* NetBEUI Protocol
* Internet Protocol TCP/IP
If your setup allows NetBIOS over TCP/IP, you have a security problem:
Your files can be shared all over the Internet
Your logon-name, computer-name, and workgroup-name are visible to others
If your setup allows File and Printer Sharing over TCP/IP, you also have a problem:
* Your files can be shared all over the Internet
Computers that are not connected to any network can also have unsecure network settings, because the settings were changed when Internet was installed.
Solving the Problem
For Windows 2000 users:
You can solve your security problem by disabling NetBIOS over TCP/IP:
* Open Windows Explorer
* Right-click on My Network Places
* Select: Properties
* Right-click on Local Area Network
* Select: Properties
* Select: Internet Protocol TCP/IP
* Click on Properties
* Click on Advanced
* Select the WINS tab
* Select Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP
* Click OK
If you get the message: "This connection has an empty......", ignore the message and click on YES to continue, and click OK to close the other setup windows.
You should restart your computer after the changes.
For Windows 95, 98, or ME users:
You can solve your security problem by disabling NetBIOS over TCP/IP:
* Open Windows Explorer
* Right-click on My Network Places
* Select: Properties
* Select: Internet Protocol TCP/IP
* Click on Properties
* Select the NetBIOS tab
* Uncheck: Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP
* Click OK
You must also disable the TCP/IP Bindings to Client for Microsoft Networks and File and Printer Sharing:
* Open Windows Explorer
* Right-click on My Network Places
* Select: Properties
* Select: Internet Protocol TCP/IP
* Click on Properties
* Select the Bindings tab
* Uncheck: Client for Microsoft Networks
* Uncheck: File and Printer Sharing
* Click OK
If you get a  message with something like: "You must select a driver.........", ignore the message and click on YES to continue, and click OK to close the other setup windows.
If you still want to share your Files and Printer over the network, you must use the NetBEUI protocol instead of the TCP/IP protocol. Make sure you have enabled it for your local network:
* Open Windows Explorer
* Right-click on My Network Places
* Select: Properties
* Select: NetBEUI
* Click on Properties
* Select the Bindings tab
* Check: Client for Microsoft Networks
* Check: File and Printer Sharing
* Click OK
You should restart your computer after the changes.
Protect Your Server

How to Protect Your Computer from Hackers

When you are connected to the Internet, an IP (internet Protocol) address is used to identify your computer.
If you don’t protect yourself this IP address can be used to access your computer from outside world.
A fixed IP address is a larger security risk. It means of you have a fixed IP address, than you will be give a chance to Internet hackers to enter in your computer all the time and they can get the information from your computer and share it on internet to other user that can be easily access.
Personal computers are often connected to a shared network. PC in large companies is connected to a large corporate works. A pc in small companies is connected to a small local network, and in private home often shares a network between family members. Most of networks are used to share resources like printers, files and disk storage.
When you are connected to the Internet your shared resources can be access by rest of the world.
A common Security Problem:
Windows users are unaware of a common leak in their network settings:
  • Client for Microsoft Network
  • File and Printer sharing for Microsoft Network
  • NetBEUI Protocol
Internet protocol TCP/IP.
If your set up allows Net BIOS over TCP/IP you have a security problem:
  • Your files can be shared all over the Internet.
  • Your logon-name, computer-name, and workgroup-name are visible to other.
  • Your file can be shared all over Internet.
Computers that are connected to any network can also have unsecured network settings, because the setting where changed when Internet was installed.
To solve this problem we can disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
For Windows Xp disable the   NetBIOS over TCP/IP as following:
  1. Right-click on network connection in the system tray area of the taskbar and choose “Open Network connections”.
  2. Right click on the Network connection’s icon and choose “properties” from the group menu that appear.
  3. Click on “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and than click on “Properties” button. If TCP/IP is not checked for the selected connection type than ignore the below step for this particular network connection.
  4. The “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties” dialog box appears. Click on the “Advanced Button”
  5. When “Advanced TCP/IP settings” dialog box appear. Click on “wins” tab.
  6. At lower position “NetBIOS setting”, click on the “Disable NetBIOS” over TCP/IP” radio button.
  7. Click “ok” on the dialog boxes to close them, and than click “close” on the network connection properties box to close it.
  8. Finally, when done modifying each network connection, close the “Network connection” Window.
[If your are not able to access a network after performing this perform above steps but click the “Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP” or “Default” radio button.]

Windows Shortcut Keys

Windows Shortcut Keys
Windows shortcut key are use for   differently as per our requirements, which can be used by keyboard’s different key. That all key are as following:
Window Key Shortcut Keys
(This shortcut are used by window key with other alphabets with using of sign “+” These keys are used anywhere in windows operating system)
Keystroke Action
Windows Key                 Only Brings up Start Menu
Windows Key+ D           Display the Desktop
Windows Key + M         Minimize all Windows
Windows Key + E          Opens Windows Explorer
Windows Key+ F           Windows Search/Find
Windows Key + R          Open Run Dialog Window
Windows Key + L          Lock the Computer
Windows Key + F1        Open Windows Help Window
Windows Key + Tab     Cycle through Programs on the Taskbar
Windows Key + Break      Opens System Properties Window

Internet Explorer Shortcut Keys:
(This keys are used for users who are used Internet by using these different key work more speedily on Internet. These keys are mainly used in browser)
Keystroke Action
Spacebar                             Moves Down One Page at a Time
Shift+Spacebar                 Moves Up One Page at a Time
Esc                                         Stops Downloading of Page
F11                                        Displays Page in Full Screen Mode
F5                                          Refresh Page or Frame
Alt+Right                           Arrow Move Forward a Page
Alt+Left                              Arrow or Backspace Move Back a Page
Alt+Home                          Go to Your Home Page
Alt+D                                   Move the Focus to the Address Bar
Ctrl+Enter                        Complete an Address
Ctrl+N                               Open a New Browser Window
Ctrl+P                                Print Current Page
Ctrl+L/O                          Opens the Locate/Open Dialog Window
Ctrl+R                              Refresh Current Window
Ctrl+W                             Close the Active Window
Ctrl+H                             Opens the History Window
Cut, Copy and Paste Commands:
(These commands are used  in any editor, paint etc other applications)
Keystroke Action
Ctrl+A            Select All (Entire Document)
Ctrl+C            Copy Selected Text
Ctrl+X            Cut Selected Text
Ctrl+V            Paste Text
Ctrl+Z            Undo Command
Formatting     Commands:
(These formatting commands are mainly used in editors like a notepad, WordPad etc)
Keystroke Action
Ctrl+B                 Bold
Ctrl+I                   Italic
Ctrl+U                   Underline
Ctrl+L                   Left Justify
Ctrl+R                   Right Justify
Ctrl+E                    Center
Ctrl+J                   Full Justification
Ctrl+1                   Set Line Spacing to 1
Ctrl+2                 Set Line Spacing to 2
Ctrl+5               Set Line Spacing to 1.5
General Application Commands:
(These commands are used for any application to get help to solve query or save that page or file etc)
Keystroke Action
F1                                             Help
Ctrl+P                                     Print
Ctrl+S                                     Save
Ctrl+F                                    Find/Replace
Ctrl+N                                   Start New Document
Ctrl+G                                   Go To (Page, Line, Row...)
Ctrl+O                                  Open Document
Ctrl+Enter                         Start New Page (in current document)
Alt+F6                                Switch Between Documents in Program

Secure your home wireless

How network Router to secure your home wireless
Having an open wireless network can be a security risk as it may allow anyone who is close enough to your router access to your network. To make your home wireless network more secure consider the below suggestions.
All of the below steps will require access to the router set-up, and we also recommend configuring wireless security over a computer with a wired connection to the router if possible. If you do not know how to access the router set up,
Close the network
If you have never been prompted for a key, password, or pass phrase when connecting to your wireless network it is an open network, meaning anyone close enough to your router could connect to it and browse your network. To enable security, open your router setup screen and look for a Wireless Security section. In the picture to the right, is an example of a linksys router setup in the Wireless and Wireless Security section.
Select the wireless security method of either WEP or WPA (we suggest WPA as mentioned later) and enter the pass phrase to generate the keys. After enabling security on the router, any wireless device that wants to connect will need to have a key in order to connect to your network.
Change default password
Make sure the router password is not still set to the default password. If the password is easily guessed this could give someone access to the router setup, which could allow them to change your router settings, including viewing any security keys.
If available use WPA, not WEP
Many routers today will offer two different types of security: WEP and WPA. We recommend WPA security, since it is more secure than WEP. However, for compatibility with some older devices such as gaming consoles, TiVo, and other network devices may only be able to use WEP, and WEP is better than no security.
Disable remote administration
When enabled, remote administration allows anyone close enough to your router to view or change your router settings. If you never plan on remotely administrating your network, e.g. wireless connecting to the router, we recommend disabling remote administration. With routers that support this option, it is often disabled through the Administration section.
After disabled, the router settings can still be changed using any computer connected to the router using a network cable.
Change the default SSID name
The SSID is the name that identifies your wireless router. By default, many routers will use the name of the router as the default SSID; for example, Linksys routers will often use 'Linksys' as the SSID. This is a security risk since it identifies the brand of the router and would let any attacker immediately know what exploits to use.
When naming the router do not use your family or any other identifiable information. For example, if the SSID contains your family’s last name it can quickly identify by any neighbour.
Enable router firewall
Many routers will also have their own firewall that can be enabled. If available, we also suggest enabling this feature, as it will help add an extra layer of security for your network.
Disable SSID broadcast
To help make finding your wireless network easier wireless routers broadcast your SSID, which means anyone looking for a wireless router could see your SSID. To help make it more difficult for someone to find your network when browsing for a wireless network you can disable the SSID broadcast feature. However, when disabling the SSID broadcast it will require that you manually enter your unique SSID when wanting to connect any new device to your network.
Enable wireless MAC filter
The Wireless MAC filter feature will only allow a wireless device to connect to your router if the MAC Address has been entered into the filter list. This can make connecting new devices to your network more difficult; however, will also greatly improve the overall security of your wireless network.
A quick and easy to set this up is to connect any wireless device you want on your network to your router before enabling wireless MAC filter. After each device has successfully connected, open the DHCP client table, often found in the Status or Local Network section. Each device that has connected to your router thus far will display the MAC Address, which can be copied into a notepad and pasted into the Wireless MAC filter section of the router Security section.

Some Facts About the Computer

The only capability a computer has is the circuitry to detect the difference between two voltages. A digital signal is 'high' or low, either 'true' or 'false'. Computer Engineers use this capability as the building block to create all the amazing features of modern computers.

  • Thomas Watson, founder of IBM, is sometimes quoted as asserting that the world would probably never need more than 5 computers. He was referring, of course, to mainframe computers, which his company built.
  • Bill Gates dropped out of college (Harvard) before founding Microsoft.
  • Early hard drives in Personal Computers held 20 MB, or 20 Megabytes, and cost about $800. By comparison, an $8 flash drive holds 2 GB, or 2 Gigabytes. That's a 100-fold decrease in price and a 100-fold increase in capacity.
  • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak built the first Apple computers from parts they got for free from their employers. They originally approached their employers with their idea for a 'personal computer', but they were rebuffed. They were actually encouraged to scrounge spare parts from work and complete their project in their spare time.
  • The computer mouse, the windowing GUI, laser printing, and the network card were all developed at one company; Xerox.
  • The computer in your cell phone has more processing power than all the computers in the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander that put 2 men on the moon.
  • Admiral Grace Hopper, the first female admiral in the US Navy, invented the popular programming language COBOL.

Some Interesting things about Computer

Q. Who Invented the Mouse?

A. Douglas Engelbart.
Q. Who Invented the Keyboard?

A. Christopher Latham Sholes.

Q. Who Invented the Computer Compiler?

A. Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper.

Q. Who invented the computer monitor?
A. Allen B. Dumont.

Q. Who invented the computer printer?

A. Chester Carlson.

Q. Who invented the first computer?

A. Charles Babbage invented the first computer

Q. Which was the first invented computer virus?

A. The first virus was made in Chauburji, Lahore, Pakistan, 1986
two programmers named Basit and Amjad Farooq Alvi.

Q. When was Computer Software invented?

A. The first computer that could store a program (software) was the Manchester Small Scale Experimental Machine, nicknamed the Baby. This was in 1948 at the University of Manchester in England. Tom Kilburn wrote the first program to be executed on the Baby.

Q. Who invented the CPU?

A. J. Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly invented the EDVAC, perhaps the first computing machine with the "stored-program" architecture typical of modern CPUs.

Q. Who invented the Microprocessor?

A. Intel Built first Microprocessor,(A CPU on a single chip), the 4004,in 1971.

Q. Who made first Motherboard?

A. The first motherboard was build for the Apple II by Stephen Wozniak.

Q. What was the name of the First Computer?

A. Collosus (If the question is referring to the first ELECTRONIC computer - Collosus was the first electronic computer developed by the British to crack the LORENZ codes used by the German high command.)

Q. Who invented Floppy Disk?

A. IBM engineers led by Alan Shugart invented the floppy disk.

Q. Who invented the CD (Compact Disk)?

A. Jim Russell, at Battelle’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland.

Q. Who invented the USB-The Universal Serial Bus?

A. It was invented by an Israeli company called "M-Systems" and the brand is called "Disk on key"

Q. Who invented USB Port?

A. The USB 1.0 specification was introduced in 1994. USB was created by the CORE group of companies

Q. Who invented the first PC modem?

A. Dennis Hayes and Dale Heatherington in 1977.

Q. When was the laptop computer invented?

A. The First Laptop was invented by Adam Osborne in 1981.It was named the Osborne 1.

Q. Who invented hard disk drive?

A. The Hard Disk was invented on September 13,1956 by IBM Team lea by Rey Johnson.

Q. Who invented Gmail?

A. Paul Buchheit, the 23rd employee at Google, was the creator and lead developer of Gmail before he left the company.

Charles Babbage Father of Computer

Charles Babbage,  (26 December 1791 – 18 October 1871) was an English mathematician, philosopher, inventor, and mechanical engineer who invented the concept of a programmable computer. Parts of his uncompleted mechanisms are on display in the London Science Museum. In 1991, a perfectly functioning difference engine was constructed from Babbage's original plans. Built to tolerances achievable in the 19th century, the success of the finished engine indicated that Babbage's machine would have worked. Nine years later, the Science Museum completed the printer Babbage had designed for the difference engine, an astonishingly complex device for the 19th century. Considered a "father of the computer", Babbage is credited with inventing the first mechanical computer that eventually led to more complex designs.

In Babbage’s time, humans who were called ‘computers’, meaning, calculated numerical tables "one who computes", much as a conductor is "one who conducts". At Cambridge, he saw the high error-rate of this human-driven process and started his life’s work of trying to calculate the tables mechanically. He began in 1822 with what he called the difference engine, made to compute values of polynomial functions. Unlike similar efforts of the time, Babbage's difference engine was created to calculate a series of values automatically. By using the method of finite differences, it was possible to avoid the need for multiplication and division.

Babbage sought a method by which mathematical tables could be calculated mechanically, removing the high rate of human error. Two different factors seem to have influenced him: his experience working on logarithmic tables and existing work on calculating machines carried out by Blaise Pascal, and Gottfried Leibniz. He first discussed the principles of a calculating engine in a letter to Sir Humphry Davy in 1822.

Babbage's machines were among the first mechanical computers, although they were not actually completed, largely because of funding problems and personality issues. He directed the building of some steam-powered machines that achieved some success, suggesting that calculations could be mechanised. Although Babbage's machines were mechanical and unwieldy, their basic architecture was very similar to a modern computer. The data and program memory were separated, operation was instruction based, the control unit could make conditional jumps and the machine had a separate I/O unit.

10 Tips For Google Image Search

1. If you want to know if a person is a man or a woman and the name doesn't help, do a search for the name.

2. If you don't know the meaning of a word, the pictures may help you.

3. A better search for Flickers. Google uses information from other sites that link to Flickers photos, so you may find Google search better.

4. Find what's interesting about a site, by looking at the pictures included. For example:

5. Find new wallpaper for your desktop by restricting your search to large images. You can automate this using an application.

6. Find random personal pictures, using standard file names from digital cameras.

7. Type the name of a painter and you can take an art class.

8. Install a Greasemonkey script so you can view the original version of the image directly by clicking on the thumbnail.

9. Find the colour of a word. "Word Colour is a windows program that uses Google Image Search to determine the colour of a word or string of words. It goes out there, retrieves the top 9 images and loops through all pixels, calculating the average hue, which is later converted to a colour."

10. If you want to grab search results, GoogleGrab is a tool that downloads images from Google Image Search. It even supports batch search.

Parallel Virtual Machine

Parallel processing, the method of having many small tasks solve one large problem, has emerged as a key enabling technology in modern computing. The past several years have witnessed an ever-increasing acceptance and adoption of parallel processing, both for high-performance scientific computing and for more "general-purpose" applications, was a result of the demand for higher performance, lower cost, and sustained productivity. The acceptance has been facilitated by two major developments: massively parallel processors (MPP) and the widespread use of distributed computing.
MPP are now the most powerful computers in the world. These machines combine a few hundred to a few thousand CPU in a single large cabinet connected to hundreds of gigabytes of memory. MPP offer enormous computational power and are used to solve computational Grand Challenge problems such as global climate modelling and drug design. As simulations become more realistic, the computational power required to produce them grows rapidly. Thus, researchers on the cutting edge turn to MP3s and parallel processing in order to get the most computational power possible.
The second major development affecting scientific problem solving is distributed computing. Distributed computing is a process whereby sets of computers connected by a network are used collectively to solve a single large problem. As more and more organizations have high-speed local area networks interconnecting many general-purpose workstations, the combined computational resources may exceed the power of a single high-performance computer. In some cases, several MPP have been combined using distributed computing to produce unequalled computational power. The most important factor in distributed computing is cost. Large MPP typically cost more than $10 million. In contrast, users see very little cost in running their problems on a local set of existing computers. It is uncommon for distributed-computing users to realize the raw computational power of a large MPP, but they are able to solve problems several times larger than they could use one of their local computers.
Common between distributed computing and MPP is the notion of message passing. In all parallel processing, data must be exchanged between cooperating tasks. Several paradigms have been tried including shared memory, paralleling compilers, and message passing. The message-passing model has become the paradigm of choice, from the perspective of the number and variety of multiprocessor that support it, as well as in terms of applications, languages, and software systems that use it.
The Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) system described in this book uses the message passing model to allow programmers to exploit distributed computing across a wide variety of computer types, including MPP. A key concept in PVM is that it makes a collection of computers appear as one large virtual machine, hence its name.
Heterogeneous Network Computing
In an MPP, every processor is exactly like every other in capability, resources, software, and communication speed. Not so on a network. The computers available on a network may be made by different vendors or have different compilers. Indeed, when a programmer wishes to exploit a collection of networked computers, he may have to contend with several different types of heterogeneity:
" Architecture
" Data format
" Computational speed
" Machine load
" Network load
Distributed computing offers many advantages:
" By using existing hardware, the cost of this computing can be very low.
" Performance can be optimised by assigning each individual task to the most appropriate architecture.
" One can exploit the heterogeneous nature of a computation. Heterogeneous network computing is not just a local area network connecting workstations together. For example, it provides access to different databases or to special processors for those parts of an application that can run only on a certain platform.
" The virtual computer resources can grow in stages and take advantage of the latest computational and network technologies.
" Program development can be enhanced by using a familiar environment. Programmers can use editors, compilers, and debuggers that are available on individual machines.
" The individual computers and workstations are usually stable, and substantial expertise in their use is readily available.
" User-level or program-level fault tolerance can be implemented with little effort either in the application or in the underlying operating system.
" Distributed computing can facilitate collaborative work.
All these factors translate into reduced development and debugging time, reduced contention for resources, reduced costs, and possibly more effective implementations of an application. It is these benefits that PVM seeks to exploit. From the beginning, the PVM software package was designed to make programming for a heterogeneous collection of machines straightforward

How to secure WLan connection

Most WLAN hardware has gotten easy enough to set up that many users simply plug it in and start using the network without giving much thought to security. Nevertheless, taking a few extra minutes to configure the security features of your wireless router or access point is time well spent. Here are some of the things you can do to protect your wireless network:

1. Enable WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). This provides some basic encryption of packets between your wireless network cards and your Access Point. It is intended to also block connection by other computers which don't have the matching encryption key, however it is not particularly difficult to monitor a connection and learn the key. However it's far better than having no WEP at all.
2. WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) is a stronger (and newer) encryption method. To enable WPA you'll need an Access Point, wireless network cards, and operating systems which all have WPA support. If WPA is available, use it. Otherwise use WEP.
3. MAC address filtering. Each Ethernet device has a unique numeric hardware address called the MAC address (Media Access Control Address). This can be used to only allow known computers to connect to your Access Point. Enable Mac Address Filtering in your Access Point, then one by one ad permission for connection by each of your computers.
4. Change the SSID from the default. SSID (service set identifier) is sometimes called the "network name" for a wireless network. Typically Access Points are shipped with a SSID that's easy to guess, such as "default" or the name of the maker of the Access Point. Choose a SSID that's not easy to guess - not your last name, company name, pet name, etc.
5. Turn off SSID broadcast on the Access Point. Typically an Access Point broadcasts its SSID. This makes it easy to find available access points and connect to them. After turning off SSID broadcast on the Access Point you'll have to manually enter the desired SSID on each wireless network adaptor.
6. Turn off the DHCP server on your router. Then manually allocate the IP address for your router and for each computer on the network, Turning off DHCP means that any computer that has got past the previous steps won't automatically discover a compatible IP address.
7. Restrict the range of available IP addresses that your router will allow to connect. If you have manually set IP addresses on all your computers they should be in a small range of addresses. Only allow those few computers to connect.
8.  Set up a software firewall (such as Zone Alarm) on each computer. Configure it to only allow connections from computers within the restricted range of IP addresses used by your computers.
9. Enable logs on your router. Depending on the router these may log outgoing connections, and/or incoming traffic, and/or attacks and/or more. Check your logs daily - this is the alarm that will detect unexpected activity.
10. Consider using user ID and password protection on any shared drives and folders on your systems. That way, even if someone intrudes into your network it will be harder for them to read or corrupt your files, or do other damage

India's first Field Marshal

Field Marshal Sam Hormusji Framji Jamshedji Manekshaw, MC "Sam Bahadur" (lit. Sam the Brave) (3 April 1914 – 27 June 2008) was an Indian Army officer. In a long career spanning nearly four decades, Manekshaw rose to be the 8th chief of staff of the Indian Army in 1969 and under his command, Indian forces concluded a victorious campaign during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.
Sam Manekshaw was the first of only two Indian military officers to hold the highest rank of Field Marshal in the Indian Army (the other being Field Marshal K M Cariappa). His distinguished military career spanned four decades and through five wars, including World War II.
Manekshaw was born in Amritsar, Punjab to Parsi parents, Hormusji Manekshaw, a doctor, and his wife Heerabai, who moved to the Punjab from the small town of Valsad on the Gujarat coast. After completing his schooling in Amritsar and Sherwood College (Nainital), he asked his father to send him to college abroad to study medicine. When his father refused, in an act of rebellion, he applied to join the IMA and as a result became part of the first intake of 40 cadets at the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, on 1 October 1932. He passed out from the IMA on 4 February 1934 and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Indian Army. He held several regimental assignments and was first attached to the 2nd Bn The Royal Scots and later to the 4/12th Frontier Force Regiment. Upon Partition, his Parent Unit 4/12 FFR became part of the Pakistan Army, so Maneckshaw transferred to the 8th Gurkha Rifles
Manekshaw first major military campaign was World War II when he served as a captain with the 4/12 Frontier Force Regiment in Burma in 1942. In a counter attack offensive against the Japanese Army he successfully led his battalion to its objective despite heavy casualties. When capturing the key position Sam was injured by machine gun fire and was severely wounded. Major General D.T. Cowan recognised Sam for his fearless guts and awarded Sam with the Military Cross on the battlefield itself.
After the near fatal Burma Campaign Sam went to the Staff College in Quetta for a course and served for a while as an instructor. He joined the 12 Frontier Force Rifles in Burma and was wounded amidst fierce battle yet again. Towards the end of the War he helped in the rehabilitation of 10000 POW and then went for a tour of Australia in 1946. Coming back he served as a first grade staff officer in the Military operations directorate. Manekshaw successfully handled many panning and administrative problems that crept up after partition. The Jammu and Kashmir operations of 1947-48 were largely successful because of his acumen. He became the Colonel of the 8 Gurkha Rifles and the 61 Cavalry. As the GOC-in-C of the Eastern Command he solved the insurgency problem of Nagaland and was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1968.
On 7th June 1969 Sam Manekshaw replaced General Kumaramangalam as the 8th chief of army staff and his immense military experience came of good use during the Inodo-Pakistani War of 1971, which led to the creation of Bangladesh. As refugees from the then East Pakistan poured in to India and full-scale war erupted Sam had to manage the two tasks of defeating the Pakistani forces and also take care of the refugee problem. Manekshaw motivated the Indian forces like no other and his brilliant war strategy led to the unconditional surrender of the Pakistani forces within a short span of just 14 days. Over 93000 Pakistani soldiers and civilians were taken POW and the war became an example of perfect co-ordination between the three units of the armed forces. This stands out as one of the fastest military victories in the history of Indian military. With the Shimla agreement in place the new nation of Bangladesh was created.
For his distinguished service to the country, the President of India (then V. V. Giri) awarded him a Padma Vibhushan in 1972 and conferred upon him the rank of Field Marshal on 1 January 1973. Manekshaw became the first of the only two Indian Army Generals to be awarded this prestigious rank; the other being the late Field Marshal Kodandera Madappa Cariappa. Manekshaw moved out of active service a fortnight later on 15 January 1973 after completing nearly four decades of military service, and settled down with his wife Silloo in Connors, the civilian town next to Wellington Military Cantonment where he had served as Commandant of the Defence Services Staff College.
Following his time in active service in the Indian Army, Manekshaw successfully served on the board of directors for numerous companies, and was Chairman of several of them as well
He died of complications from pneumonia at the Military Hospital in Wellington, Tamil Nadu on 0030 hours, 27 June 2008 at the age of 94
He was laid to rest in Ootacamund, Tamil Nadu, with military honours, adjacent to his wife's grave. Two daughters and three grandchildren survive him.
Reportedly, his last words were "I'm okay!"

Tips To Success In Mafia Wars

1. Bank Your Money

This game is all about mobs and you could very easily end up losing money during fights. Your money is very much safer in a bank.

2. Strengthen Your Mafia Family

Recruit people who play this game almost every day. This will ensure that you are building a strong family. Help other members of your family and by doing this, you are also keeping your family strong.

3. Buy Properties

Work towards making more money and use this money to buy properties that will help you dominate games.

4. Get The Best Weapons

This will help you in defence and gain more attack points too.

5. Saving Energy Packs

They will come handy during times of emergencies.

6. Select The “Maniac” Class

In the Mafia Wars, energy is much valuable than money. Energy allows you to do missions, whereas money will not. This is a common mistake many players make when starting out. With the “Maniac” class, you won’t have to worry about any energy issues anymore.

7. Be patient In Building Your List of Mafia Members

You will need some good planning before a successful mafia group is established. Start off by working independently till you are sufficiently ready. This is very much better for you in the later part of the game.

8. Use Your Experience Points On Energy

Do not waste your points around on Godfather points or any other useless items. That can be done in the later part of the game, however for present situation, it will only slow you down. Therefore, i would advise you to focus on “Energy” as it is the most important thing for you to level up quickly in the game.

9. Stay Away From Being On The “Hit list”

This will prevent you from getting killed constantly by the higher-level players. You can start this when you are on a higher level, however, you will only slow down your levelling if you start off at the present stage.